Section 1

Section 1: Group Learning activities must meet the following mandatory criteria in order for the activity to be approved under Section 1 of the MOC program:

  • The event must be planned to address the identified needs of the target audience.
  • Learning objectives that address identified needs must be created for the overall event and individual sessions. The learning objectives must be printed on the program brochure and /or handout materials.
  • At least 25% of the total education time must be devoted to interactive learning.
  • The event must include an evaluation of the event’s established learning objectives and the learning outcomes identified by participants.
  • The event must meet the required ethical standards for continuing professional development.

Credits: 1 credit per hour

Examples of Accredited Section 1 Activities include:

  • Accredited conferences
  • Accredited rounds/journal clubs/small group
  • Web-based group learning (must meet all requirements of Section 1 including interactivity)

The application should be submitted electronically at least six (6) weeks prior to the CPD event to, with all required documentation attached.  Applications received 4-6 weeks before the event date will be subject to an additional late review fee, and applications received less than 4 weeks before the event will NOT be reviewed.

Application Form

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