CASL-PSC Partners Seeking a Cure Award

The CASL-PSC Partners Seeking a Cure Award seeks to recognize the best research on PSC presented at the Canadian Liver Meeting each year.
PSC Partners seeks to bring greater attention to and interest in research on PSC treatment and cures, and as such this award will honor and help support those engaging in promising research on PSC. 

Recipient Eligibility 

  • Awardees must be CASL members 
  • Awardees should have submitted their research for presentation via the abstract submission process for the Canadian Liver Meeting or be presenting on PSC at the meeting 
  • Members currently serving on the CASL Research Committee are not eligible for this award 

Selection Criteria 

The CASL Research Committee will recommend the award recipient based on: 

  1. Scores and comments provided as part of the abstract review process for the Canadian Liver Meeting 
  1. Demonstrated excellence in current or past research on PSC 
  1. Evidence of future promise in research, clinical practice or other scholarly activities relating to the search for a cure for PSC 
  1. It is desirable that the Award should go to a trainee or young investigator, although this is not a requirement 
  1. Should there not be any deserving research on PSC submitted as part of the Canadian Liver Meeting abstract submission process, the Research Committee may select an invited speaker who is presenting on PSC at the meeting as the recipient, or may opt not to select a recipient for that year’s meeting. 

Candidates will be chosen from abstracts submitted for the Canadian Liver Meeting


We are honored to recognize the following past recipients of the CASL-PSC Partners Seeking a Cure Canada Award:
2023Audrey-Anne Lavoie
2022Dr. Marwa Ismail, Toronto Centre for Liver Disease
Longitudinal Stability of Disease Activity in Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis: A Treatment Target for New Therapies?
2021Dr. Bellal Jubran, University of Toronto
Hepatolithiasis Is A Frequent And Prognostic Finding In Patients With Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis
2020Dr. Julian Hercun, CHUM
Evolution of autoimmune cholangitis and primary sclerosing cholangitis in a pediatric cohort

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